Thursday, February 9, 2012

What would the world look like?

When I was younger, I always thought: what would the world today look like if .....? you fill in the blank. Well, I got an answer to one of my questions about boys acting like gentlemen when it came to treating girls like women. That answer came when I heard about a Linn-Mar wrestler who wouldn't fight a girl at the state level.
Thanks Joel.

Chivalry isn't just for knights of old,
That is not what we are told.
We don't always have to be brave,
Why not give instead of gave?

He didn't always defend the land,
He also gave a helping hand.
Living in the castle was pretty neat,
All that steak, roast, even meat!

It was proven throughout the ages,
Also in those worn-torn pages.
Men were remembered for their chilvalry,
sometimes it actually made history.

Why not now,
Have some say "WOW!
I thought that it was only in the past,
But you have proven that it can last."

He did defend the land,
He did give a hand.
Castles don't always have to be neat,
Chivalry starts in your own back seat.

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