Last August, my family and I decided to take a trip out West to non other than Washington State. Beautiful drive, coudn't take enough pictures along the way. But as we got closer to the West Coast, a thought hit me: This is what America looked like when the Pilgrims first came over and the time of the Indians when it was known as the New World! So as you can see, I had a feeling of:
How can it be,
That what my mind has seen now comes to me?
Is it really true?
America isn't so new?
Heaven is your throne
The only place I call home
As I watch the landscapes
It is then that my breath escapes
The horses run,
The buffalo graze,
I want the fun,
But I'm in a daze
I look and see the prairie
All this traveling has made me weary
I know I want to get there
For heaven's sake, I'm stuck here!
It doesn't matter when I go
I just want you to know
He is the one I love
No one made you take a shove.
He is the one who made the earth
He is the one who knows our worth
Mire and the clay
Your the one who made this day
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