I wrote this poem last year when I had the realization that Jesus came here once: Once to die, once to live, once to preach/teach, and he's coming back once. My hope is that when you read the following, you see the same thing.
Once there was a child,
So mighty, yet so mild.
Who left his Father willingly,
To bring one to a family.
When He left His mansion holy,
He came to a city lowly.
Was laid in a manger filthy,
To save a world humbly.
His mother no man she knew,
His father was the only one to know.
But yet, he said "no"
"I've decided to keep this family new"
From the manger filthy,
To the cross in the city holy.
He showed us how to follow,
Follow his Father faithfully.
Once there was a child,
So meek, yet so mild.
Journeyed on to Bethlehem,
Right outside Jerusalem.
Going on a donkey that day,
Didn't know He would come back that way.
Leaving with Joe to Nazaree,
She was fulfilling prophecy.
"For out of Egypt have I called My Son,"
And "He will be a Nazarene."
Once there was a child holy,
Once there was a virgin Mary.
Once there was a carpenter Joe,
Who knew after he said "no"
That this child was here once.
Once to be born,
Once to be taught.
Once to be child,
Once to die.
Once to preach,
Once to teach.
Once to come back,
Once He was born.
Once He was a child,
Once He was a man.
Once He lived,
Once He died.
He did this all Once,
But we celebrated it more.
We do his birth,
We do his death.
We celebrate His name, Jesus.
He did it once,
Once, only once