Thursday, September 29, 2011

May 2010

Usually when I go to write poems, I don't write them because I was inspired. I usually write them from my heart. Well, the following was inspired by a bouquet of red roses. Dried red roses.

I am a voice that sings.
I am a mouth that speaks.
I am an eye that sees.
I am a hand that can touch.
I am a foot that can walk.
I am a heart that beats.
I am a life waiting to have wings.
I am a rose wanting to bloom.
From conception in the womb.

I am a musician, doctor, lawyer.
I am a mother, father, husband, wife.
I am a teacher, preacher, reformer, writer.
I am a Washington, Lincoln, Pitt, Wilberforce.
I am a daughter, son, neice, nephew.
I am an uncle, aunt, cousin.
I am the bearer of five generations.

But where are those generations?
They are killed, for so was I.
I was unplanned, unneeded, undesired.
Though I was innocent, I was given the criminal's death.
I am dead, before I am life.
My mother is haunted because of my death.
She'll never experience the gift I could've been.

I am peace.
I am joy.
I am love.
I am a child.
I am a human.
I am someone who can feel.
I am the unwanted gift.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The early years

These are some of my early poems that I wrote when I was at least ten years old:

Is it bright of dark?
Is it long or short?
Is there a dock or a port?
Hear all the angles sing
For it is a mansion
Oh! how life yould end
No, I haven't turned out yet~
On earth~

Oh death, where is thy sting?
Oh grave, where is thy victory?
Father take me home soon~
Jesus, Jesus who I love~
Oh how I ran out of words
All but one~

Like a sick alligator so that I am,
A sinner, cursed like the weeds of the ground.
Something that I hated was the man that created me.
But what's this I hear my parents say:
Abba, Father, Jesus Christ, Heaven,
These are words I knew and did not heed.
Now I know,
I now know something that I didn't know.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How it all started

I'm Natalie Julson and yes, I am autistic. I also write poems as one of my past time hobbies.
This all started, when my mom had suggested that I publish them on a blog. So, in short, that is how this blog started. Just a simple idea, that I decided to launch on. Hope you enjoy.